Venu Naturopathy


Brig Dinesh Mathur (retd)

Brig Dinesh Mathur (retd)

About Brig Dinesh Mathur (retd)

More From Brig Dinesh Mathur (retd)

The world should now allow the Afghans to settle their issues themselves

If a Taliban administration is unable to build its credibility, provide effective governance, bring in reforms and control narco-terrorism, it would just need a spark to ignite passions in tribal regions for a Greater Tajikistan and Pashtunistan, leading to the de facto partition of the country

Afghanistan, its sectarian divisions, and international stakeholders

Pakistan has checkmated India to some extent, though the Taliban has recognized India’s role in the reconstruction projects and Salma Dam, writes Brig Dinesh Mathur (retd) for South Asia Monitor